How to Remove Pen Ink from Cloth: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Remove Pen Ink from Cloth: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting pen ink on your favorite shirt or a cherished tablecloth can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. Ink stains are common, and with the right techniques and a bit of patience, you can successfully remove them without damaging the fabric. Whether it’s a ballpoint mishap or a gel pen incident, knowing how to treat these stains promptly and effectively can save your beloved items from permanent damage. In this guide, we’ll walk you through simple, step-by-step methods to help you restore your cloth to its original state, leaving you with a sense of relief and accomplishment!

What You’ll Need

Before you start, gather the following supplies:

  •  Paper towels or clean clothes
  • Rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer
  • Dish soap
  • White vinegar (optional)
  • A small bowl or container
  • Old toothbrush or soft-bristled brush
  • Cold water
  • Laundry detergent
  • Optional: Commercial stain remover

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Blot the Stain

Start by using a paper towel or clean cloth to gently blot the ink stain. To prevent pressing the ink further into the fibers, use a gentle touch. Blotting is crucial because rubbing might encourage the stain to spread or seep deeper into the fabric. If the ink begins to transfer to your cloth, switch to a fresh paper towel to prevent reapplying the ink. Blotting should be done until less ink leaves the stain.

Step 2: Test the Solution

Before applying any cleaning solution to your fabric, it’s important to test it on an inconspicuous area. This will guarantee that there will be no fading or damage to the cloth. For your test, pick the inside of a hem or a concealed seam.  Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer and wait a few minutes to check for color changes or damage. If the fabric looks good after drying, you’re ready to proceed with the stain-removal process.

Step 3: Apply Rubbing Alcohol

If your test is successful, soak a clean cloth in rubbing alcohol or apply a small amount of hand sanitizer directly onto the ink stain. Gently dab the stained area with the cloth, being careful not to oversaturate it. The alcohol works by breaking down the oils and pigments in the ink, making it easier to lift away. Allow the cloth to sit over the stain for about 5 to 10 minutes to give the alcohol time to penetrate the fibers and dissolve the ink.

 Step 4: Blot Again

After letting the rubbing alcohol sit, gently blot the area again with a clean cloth. Lift the ink with strong but moderate pressure so as not to rip the fabric. You should start to see the ink transferring to the cloth; if the stain persists, repeat the application of alcohol and continue blotting. Change to a clean part of the cloth or use fresh paper towels as needed to maximize the ink removal. Continue doing this until you see that the ink is coming off the fabric very little or not at all.

Step 5: Rinse with Cold Water

Once you’ve removed as much ink as possible, rinse the stained area under cold running water. Hold the fabric with the stained side facing down so the water flows through the stain, which helps push the ink out of the fibers. Make sure to rinse thoroughly to remove any residual rubbing alcohol and ink particles. This step is crucial, as it not only removes the cleaning solution but also prevents the ink from settling back into the fabric.

Step 6: Create a Cleaning Solution

For any remaining stains, mix a solution of dish soap and white vinegar in a small bowl. Combine one tablespoon of dish soap, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and two cups of cold water. The dish soap works to break down grease and grime, while vinegar helps to lift stains. Stir the mixture until it’s well combined, and test it on a hidden area of the fabric if you’re unsure about the vinegar’s effect on your material.

Step 7: Treat the Stain

Using an old toothbrush or a soft-bristled brush, apply the cleaning solution to the stain, and then scrub the area gently in circular motions. Be cautious not to scrub too hard, as this could damage delicate fabrics. The gentle agitation will help the solution penetrate the fibers and break down any remaining ink. Allow the solution to sit for another 5 to 10 minutes to give it time to work on the stain. When the allotted time is up, thoroughly rinse with cold water to make sure all cleaning chemicals are gone.

Step 8: Launder as Usual

After treating the stain, launder the fabric as you normally would, following the care instructions on the label. If the fabric is machine washable, use the hottest water temperature that is safe for the material. Adding laundry detergent will further assist in removing any remaining traces of the ink. If the stain is particularly stubborn, you might want to repeat the previous steps before washing to ensure the best chance of removal.

Step 9: Air Dry

After washing, allow the fabric to air dry. It’s essential to avoid putting it in the dryer until you’re sure the stain is completely gone, as heat can set the stain, making it much harder to remove. To dry, either lay the fabric flat on a clean surface or hang it up. Inspect the area once it’s dry; if any ink remains, repeat the cleaning process before drying it again.

Additional Tips

  • For stubborn stains, consider using a commercial stain remover before washing.
  • If you’re dealing with silk or delicate fabrics, consult a professional cleaner to avoid damaging the material.
  • Always act quickly! Your chances of successfully removing an ink stain increase with prompt treatment.


Removing pen ink from cloth may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and timely action, you can restore your fabrics to their original condition. By following the steps outlined in this guide – blotting, applying the right cleaning solutions, and laundering properly you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the toughest ink stains. Remember that acting quickly is key, and don’t hesitate to test any cleaning solution on a hidden area first to avoid damage. With a little patience and persistence, you can turn a frustrating accident into a success story, ensuring your favorite garments and linens remain stain-free for years to come. Happy cleaning!

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